
Data Classification Solutions

Effective data classification is critical for protecting sensitive information and optimizing data management. ProtacData offers robust data classification solutions that help you organize and secure your data according to its value and sensitivity.


Our Data Classification Approach

ProtacData’s data classification strategy focuses on

Data Discovery

Identifying and cataloging all data across your organization, including structured and unstructured data.

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Classification Criteria

Defining criteria and categories based on data sensitivity, regulatory requirements, and business value.

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Utilizing advanced tools and AI to automate the classification process, reducing manual effort and increasing accuracy.

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Policy Enforcement

Applying classification policies consistently to ensure data is handled appropriately throughout its lifecycle.

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Integrating data classification with other security measures such as DLP and encryption.

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Our Data Classification Solutions

Explore our comprehensive data classification services designed to enhance data security and management

Data Discovery and Inventory

Data Discovery and Inventory

Conduct thorough data discovery and analysis to create a complete and accurate inventory of your data assets.

Automated Classification

Automated Classification

Implement automated classification tools to streamline the data classification process and ensure accuracy, consistency, and efficiency.

Custom Classification Schemes

Custom Classification Schemes

Develop custom classification schemes tailored to your organization's needs and regulatory requirements.

Policy Development

Policy Development

Create and enforce comprehensive data classification policies to ensure consistent and secure handling of classified and sensitive data.

Training and Awareness

Training and Awareness

Educate employees on data classification practices and the critical importance of handling and storing data securely according to its classification.


Why Choose ProtacData for Data Classification?

Choose ProtacData for data classification because of its robust and intuitive platform that ensures accurate categorization, enhanced security, and streamlined compliance with data regulations.

About Us

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    Our team has extensive experience in data classification and security.

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    We tailor our classification solutions to fit your specific data management needs.

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    We provide automated tools to make the classification process more efficient and accurate.

Classify Your Data with ProtacData

Enhance your data management and security with ProtacData’s data classification solutions. Contact us to learn more.

  • Granular Data Categorization
  • Improved Data Management
  • Enhanced Data Security
  • Streamlined Compliance
  • Risk Reduction
  • Data Lifecycle Management
  • Automated Classification
  • Customizable Classification Policies
  • User Awareness and Training
  • Integration with Existing Systems